High Quality Economical Glass Block

Builder Series 

Real Glass Block Windows

Over 2,000 Custom Possibilities with NO EXTRA COST!

  • Economical 2″ thick glass blocks
  • 90 standard sizes
  • 3 distinctive glass patterns
  • 3 vinyl frame colors

High Quality Economical Glass Block Windows

Don’t let the low price fool you!

Every high quality component of our economical glass block window design, was developed by Pacific Glass Block Window LLC, to provide a lifetime of maintenance free service and beauty.

Economical 2” thick glass blocks with heavy-duty extruded vinyl frames, offer Quality Real glass block windows for about the same price as (or even less than) imitation acrylic block windows.

Our quality glass block windows will not scratch or haze like acrylic blocks when you wash them, and there are no cleaning restrictions for real glass blocks.  Just clean with the same cleaner you use on the other surfaces in your bath or shower. And in every window we make, we use specially formulated translucent sealants that have an anti-fungal agent blended in to help prevent mold and mildew in wet areas.

 Our heavy duty Builder Series vinyl frames are profiled to shed water away from the glass on both sides, so the water won’t pool, and the glass and frame components will dry quickly after use so materials will not degrade from moisture over time.

Our thermally enhanced Builder Series aluminum frames offer all the benefits of our vinyl frames, plus superior performance in the very hot environments, and dark colors. Win, Win!

Builders Series Glass Block Patterns

Frame Colors

Glass Block Windows


Glass Block Windows


Glass Block Windows


Comparison Between Our Glass Block Patterns

Click on image to enlarge picture

High Quality Economical Glass Block

Can add individuality and style to bathroom and shower spaces while providing a wonderful natural light source that also provides privacy, or you can use them to add originality and brighten up kitchens or bedrooms. You can also enrich the personality of stately entrances with easy-to-install glass block side lite windows. Interior or exterior, residential or commercial, wet areas or dry, our Builder Series real glass block windows can make your project exceptional.

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Design Your Windows

Design a Window
Select Window Type
Detail Drawing
Select Window Size
Select Glass Pattern & Frame Color
Product Preview
Photographic Preview
Glass Preview
Frame Color

Note: Colors are digitally reproduced. Actual colors may vary.