Choosing the Right Glass Block Design for Your Specific Needs

Choosing the Right Glass Block Design for Your Specific Needs

Whether building a new home or remodeling an older one, there are several things to consider when choosing real glass blocks for your project. Pacific Glass Block Windows has several options from which to choose, and we are more than happy to help you choose the right...

The History of Glass Blocks

During the 19th Century, the original form of hand-blown glass blocks provided beauty, safety, and security to an otherwise dark environment. Glass became a highly appreciated choice and gained a good reputation for its function as a light-admitting material for...
Real Glass Block vs Acrylic Block

Real Glass Block vs Acrylic Block

In the world of block windows you have only 2 choices, Real glass or Acrylic (plastic). So what are the key differences? With Real glass blocks you get greater durability, easier cleaning, and no fading or yellowing over time. There are no restrictions on what...
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Design Your Windows

Design a Window
Select Window Type
Detail Drawing
Select Window Size
Select Glass Pattern & Frame Color
Product Preview
Photographic Preview
Glass Preview
Frame Color

Note: Colors are digitally reproduced. Actual colors may vary.